It’s the end of February and new year’s resolutions have slowly faded away. Fewer and fewer people are saying to one another “Happy New Year”, although I still am. There are very few who started their new year’s resolutions and have kept them up.
Want to know a secret? You can hit the reset button anytime you want. Listen sister, you can literally choose today as the day to start something new or give up something that no longer serves you.
I was raised Roman Catholic and every February we celebrate a holiday called Ash Wednesday. Catholic’s go to church on this holy day and get ashes placed on their foreheads. Many give something up or begin to incorporate something new in their lives. This day begins the holy season of Lent that spans 40 days.

This year I have been on a roll with personal and business development and want to continue to ride this wave. So for the next 40 days I commit to spending 45 minutes a day doing something that will physically, mentally, spiritually, or professionally better me in the future and limiting my tv and social media consumption to less than one hour a day. I will help hold myself accountable by using the #Pomodoro timer or setting my phone to a 45 minute timer. This helps hold me accountable and I love having a schedule in place.
We spend so much of our day doing things for others or worrying about others, that we don’t choose ourselves first. What the heck is all that about? So, what will this look like for me? Well I plan on spending it doing some of the many things that fuel my body, mind, and soul. Some of my 45 minutes may look like me reading a book, an article, a blog, listening to a podcast, watching Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday episodes (because that’s church for me), exercising, walking Zoey, meal prepping, cooking, working on my fertility coaching business, taking an online course, writing, blogging, journaling, praying, meditating, DIYing, or spending quality time with Sean, Zoey, friends, or family.
What about you? How do you reset in your own life? Do you have a daily or weekly practice that helps you achieve this? Share in the comment section below. I am excited to hear from you and see how I can learn from you and begin to apply your practices into my own life.